Monday, April 24, 2017

Congratulations, you made it through your first year of college with only five breakdowns and thinking about dropping it at least three times. Well that's what I would tell my past self at the beginning of the school year now. There are things people don't tell you about college, so you have to learn them all by yourself. 

Time. You have so much of it in college, but you have to decide what to do with it. Personally, I like to be involved with extracurricular activities. Let's just say my resume will be poppin when I graduate. Some of the things I've really enjoyed doing is Communication Club, which is where you meet with international students and just talk with them, UATV, my school's news station, and then next semester I'll be a Student Ambassador and Orientation Mentor. Find things that you enjoy doing because there is more than likely a club for it. With things like this you get involved with the school while also making some awesome friendships. That brings us to our next topic of advice. 

Friendships are very interesting in college because these are the people you'll know and remember for the rest of your life. I had a very unique experience to say the least at the start of the year. I befriended people that didn't remain my friend. Yeah let's just say that. Find people you click with. You know what I'm talking about. Like the people you can be yourself around, and those that will always be there for you. Those people are who become your family for the next four years. The best place to friends friends is either during your orientation, in clubs, or even during classes believe it or not. You don't have to take Chemistry to actually apply it. 

Classes are another thing that are important in college. GO TO CLASS! Yes there are some classes where you don't have to go all the time, but you're still paying to go to it. The best thing my friend said once was, "Every time you skip a class it's like you're throwing $20 down the drain." Do you really want to lose that much money? No. I didn't think so. Be smart. By that I mean if you're not a morning person don't take 8 o'clock classes. You will want to die trust me. Space them out so that you have enough time to get up and ready, and so that you have enough time to get to each class. You'll thank yourself later. 

Living on campus is something that most everyone has to do. It does seem bad in movies and what you hear, but guess what... it is... sort of. Trust me it's not as bad as you've heard, but there are some things that I don't really like. On the upside you're right on campus, so you can easily get to class. Living with someone and sharing a bathroom with 13 other people is a different story. The person you meet to be your roommate might not be the same person you will be living with. When you live with someone for a year you learn a lot about them, and my experience was rather different that's for sure. That's another time though. Community bathrooms aren't all that bad. I've always had a free shower and have never really waited. Now not having hot water for a week is a different story. Also the dining halls are nice, but you get tired of them fast. They pretty much have the same food everyday. Plan accordingly.

Well there are a few tips for you. I know they might not all be helpful, so if there are more tips you want to hear about just contact me. College is different for everyone, and it does take time to get adjusted to it. When you get stressed and wonder why you're still in it just remember you're not alone. Other students feel that same way. College wasn't meant to be easy, but you can make it fun. You only get one shot at it. 

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